[11/25/2000 11:04:00 AM | ray wray] thoughts from houston: You know, people in tex-ass seem to be incredibly proud of the fact that they live here. As the miller lite can says, "BE TRUE TO TEX-ASS, SHE'S TRUE TO YOU" One sign: "covenant church, where it's FUN to be saved!" One person: "I'm fixin' to go to the mall, y'all comin'?" One bumper sticker: "No wimps in TEXAS" So far: hung out with ballerinas. found a good taco truck (just like home). helped some guys change a tire. shopped at value village. tried on cowboy boots. took pictures of freight trains. got lost. drank beer. went looking for an arcade. Chat: jem: i took pictures of churches in converted garages and old liquor stores and front lawns and the backs of trucks. texans will put a church anywhere, it appears. wb: interesting wb: have you met many texans wb: heh jem: i've met two kinds mostly...white suburban 18 year old ballet dancers and the hot mexican boys at the taco truck where i've been eating every day wb: heh wb: nice weather? jem: mostly jem: little rain. some sun. lots of wind yesterday jem: today is nice