/m liver wtf was she doing with a handgun in the airport? /m liver and how did they not notice? <*liver*> she was transporting it for a friend of her dad's. /m liver and she had some sort of permit? i'd rather pay an extra $10 and feel safe i'd rather not fly <*liver*> she tried to check it at the counter, but they were like "no, <*liver*> take it through the scanner." /m liver holy jebus <*liver*> meanwhile she's got a pocked full of coke. <*liver*> er, pocket. yeah, well it's not flying that's most dangerous right now it's being in one of the buildings that gets hit either way, youre dead right? <*liver*> she even tried telling the security people that she was <*liver*> putting an unarmed handgun in a briefcase through the scanner something like that <*liver*> and they were like "yeah lady, whatever, just put it on the <*liver*> belt." /m liver haha! my god. <*liver*> and then the saw the x-ray and freaked the fuck out.