From Sun Sep 2 17:40:38 2001 Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 12:27:43 EST From: To: Subject: heidi's a ho ok, so the deal is that i send you emails, because nobody ever writes you or cares about you but then do i get one back? hell no, the only emails i get are business-related or bizarre ones from my sister who is dating swag man and ok i sometimes hear from megan too as she relates her fun-filled evening watching girlie porn with her level 8 boy buddies or the fact that ELI (omigawd) is staying at her house because he is best buds with le so i sez to megan close your door when you go to bed and don't forget to wear pajamas, which is what a mother SHOULD tell her daughter, don't you think? so, whatzup with you today? i don't want to do anymore christmas shopping because i hate it and never know what to get anyone so i'l close now, take my shower and then get started writing, writing writing which reminds me, monica never called me back about the latest project so i hope i'm still on to do it--ta for now. moi.