maxwell doesn't reek of sex either. you need better names it doesn't need to reek of sex it just needs to inspire confidence and help me avoid paternity suits maxwell make me think coffee not hot depraved sex goat, what exactly makes you think of hot depraved sex? [=Name=] maxwell changed nickname to liver maxwell makes me think of sleazy r&b which you know is one of my favorite things and how can that not make you think of sex, goat for instance "slip you my mello smooth" yeah, that's exactly where i got it sleazy r&b i assumed so i was afraid it was too obvious well since maxwell's sex name is already maxwell you know perhaps simon's sex name should be simone heh jeffro wants me to dj under the name simone for the slow jams club he, of course, will be using jeffrodeeziak simone pronounced c-mo-neee? ci-moan i was thinking i have a first cousin names simone she's in med school and yeah, it's c-moan c-moan cj smooth like the name of one of the strippers who sat on santa's lap that's a good name right was that the one who forced santa to cop a feel