<*sapphire*> oh! you remember that half-pill that I dropped somewhere on the floor, that mysteriously vanished? <*sapphire*> well I didnt! <*sapphire*> I went to get the half pill that I assumed I had left, and I couldnt find it anywhere! <*sapphire*> I mean that I completely forgot that it had been dropped, and was looking for it all over the house in the usual locations (drug box, coat pockets, etc) with obviously no luck <*simon*> fuck dude <*sapphire*> I was to the point of thinking that perhaps I'd somehow ended up doing all my supply (1 1/2 pills) & managed to just forget the fact. or that I'd accidentally given you my half <*sapphire*> so I eventually give up, still completely forgetting I dropped it. it was like it never happened, it was that blank in my mind <*sapphire*> so I decide instead to use one of the oxycontins I have, that I dont like as much & theres a lot of extra binder powder. so I sit down on the sofa with it, my razor, and my little stone to crush it on <*sapphire*> and I'm sitting right here in my usual spot. I take the razor and cut the pill in half, and then again into fourths. at that point, one of <*sapphire*> and it slowly dawns on me "oh YEAH, I DROPPED it!!" it might <*sapphire*> still be down there! <*sapphire*> but then, with Utter Dread, I remember also that I did a whole <*sapphire*> lot of living room sweeping just that morning, and the whole <*sapphire*> living room was clean <*sapphire*> but just in case, I start digging around & looking under the <*sapphire*> couch, with no luck, under the wooden pyramid stand to its <*sapphire*> left, with no luck, I drag the big green chair around & look, <*sapphire*> with no luck at all. <*sapphire*> I'm figuring "shit, I obviously swept it up & threw it away <*sapphire*> without ever even seeing the stupid thing" <*sapphire*> and once again, like something out of a secod article in that <*sapphire*> pop psychology book <*sapphire*> in my mind this time, not audibly at all, I suddenly *hear* <*sapphire*> the exact sound of the half pill hitting the floor <*sapphire*> and as I hear it in my mind, I realize this SUPER tiny little <*sapphire*> detail about that exact sound of the fall /m sapphire wow /m sapphire this is a good story <*sapphire*> as I hear it, I hear that the noise isnt quite that of a pill <*sapphire*> simply hitting the hardwood floor. <*sapphire*> *that* sound would consist of the initial loudest crack of <*sapphire*> first impact, and then be followed for about a half second of <*sapphire*> much fainter clattering noises as it skitters away from its <*sapphire*> impact point <*sapphire*> you can probably mentally hear that if you think about it. <*sapphire*> but the tiny detail I noted was that with this particular <*sapphire*> sound, that secondary faint clattering noise was not there <*sapphire*> this time. <*sapphire*> I had no idea why I heard this noise so suddenly in my head, <*sapphire*> nor why it lacked that secondary clattering. <*sapphire*> but all of a sudden (& realize this is all happening in like a <*sapphire*> half seconds time) it dawns on me <*sapphire*> it must have hit something soft. it must have hit the little <*sapphire*> blanket I have on the floor underneath my laptop's tv tray <*sapphire*> but I think "naaaaahhh!! theres no way in HELL that I figured <*sapphire*> that out by hearing that noise in my head, that would have <*sapphire*> meant an insane hearing accuracy plus my brain somehow <*sapphire*> actually figuring that out in a <*sapphire*> split second's time *after* being awake two nights in a row. <*sapphire*> no way! <*sapphire*> but, sure enough. I pick up the little blanket and start <*sapphire*> shaking it out. and there pops out my fucking half pill! /m sapphire i heart you <*sapphire*> I'm like "damn!" <*sapphire*> wait'll jem hears about this! <*sapphire*> heh :) <*sapphire*> I SO dont understand how my memory of that sound was so <*sapphire*> completely accurate, and it just popped into my head. the <*sapphire*> whole damn thing literally just popped into my head. I feel <*sapphire*> like *I* didnt even have anything to <*sapphire*> do with it! <*sapphire*> I mean, *I* hadnt even remembered that the pill had dropped, <*sapphire*> *I* wasnt even sure I really had a pill after all! <*sapphire*> heh <*sapphire*> sometimes I think I am a true idiot savant