bush is, literally, a nzai er nazi how do you make that connection? CIA that was his father his father is behind him, like he was behind reagan this is an extended regime oh i think his father whispers stuff in his ear but probably spends most of his time trying to keep from crapping his depends i don't believe that at all cheney and powell certainly are running the show old man bush i think is actually mostly retired well, same regime cheney is ultimately bush's lackey or rather, henchman oversee-er well we knew that going into it and how does that make them nazis? CIA was stacked with nazi intelligencia after ww2 bush's grandfathers laundered money thru US banks for the nazis, too ok you are a big fan of audis right? VAG certainly isn't free of nazi money. are you a nazi? you are close to godwins law here wb i just wnat you to know as your luv lawyer Coke bought Odwalla *dies8 odwalla are nazis correct, wb. any company in germany fas forced to produce for the nazis, auto-union included in fact, auto-union's race cars were a source of pride for hitler so you by choice are driving hitler's touring sedan? not really i mean, besides that fact that i drive a wagon. isnt it true if i look at your car with polarized sun glasses i can in fact see the seal of the SS on there? that's not true at all, actually. but you can come look, to put your mind at ease odd, with polarized sunglasses you should see STAY ASLEEP and CONSUME jim isn't it true that the coke company planned the death of those children a few years ago from odwalla posioning, in order to shake the company up so that they could put their operatives in there in order to plan for this coup? the nazi problem, imo , is the ones that went underground after the war, rather then the industries that were often forced to build war machines /m wb wb, i like you and that the underground evolved into power here in the usa that it's secret in fact jim, isn't it true that you have been spending 3 dollars a bottle for the past what three or four years in full knowledge that your pear guava juice was in fact the nectar of corporate genocide upon the children of california? <*wb*> heh like shrub hiding his dislexia. dislexia is fine, but hiding it shows a deep problem he has dislexia? how did his coke habbit compound it? actually, Wayne, Odwalla has always been backed by Coca Cola. they killed those kids to discourage people from drinking natural beverages. when people continued to drink the deadly swill, they realized they hada true unexploited mareting niche and made their ownership public. are you flaunting yours by misspelling dyslexia? or is that irony?