<*adam*> gloomy. a bit depressed. and also at work, not really wanting <*adam*> to work /m adam yeah, same here /m adam i'm not sure what to do with myself /m adam i had to stop watching the news yesterday after so many hours so i went to an art opening and ate pancetta, asparagus, roasted peppers and cheese with elite art historians and felt inapproriate and weird. then went to a bar and drank whiskey with hipsters and felt worse and a little better at the same time. /m adam then i went home and fell asleep <*adam*> i'm sick of the news. i'm trying to forget about it all, but <*adam*> it's everywhere <*adam*> music helps /m adam yeah, it does /m adam i'm listening to a cd my sister made me with such pop hits as "peaches and cream" "try again" "hot boyz" etc <*adam*> a little wu tang effectively cleared my head for a little <*adam*> while thismorning /m adam i listened to ODB in the shower. that helped too