/m _p megan hasn't emailed me back in a week /m _p what's her damage? /m _p sparrowe says she's dating some boy who is in the navy? /m _p i'm worried <*_p*> she has NEW friends now. <*_p*> oh dear. /m _p YEAH! /m _p i know! <*_p*> that poor girl. /m _p she's obviously the rebel of my family <*_p*> brian joined the marines. /m _p oh jesus /m _p what the fuck for? <*_p*> obviously. /m _p cuz he's an idiot? /m _p tell him to "fuck the deck" and see what he does <*_p*> i dunno, to kill and be killed i guess. <*_p*> something like that. <*_p*> heh.