simonfk1: hey hojmo. did you have a nice little SF weekend? sorry i missed you. i was a little sloppy RentaSloth: it was a hoot as usual RentaSloth: where the fuck were you simonfk1: heh, i'm sure. RentaSloth: f simonfk1: um RentaSloth: l RentaSloth: a RentaSloth: k RentaSloth: e simonfk1: not like you guys called me at all! RentaSloth: i couldn't locate the phone simonfk1: as far as i go, there was a cream colored suit, a couple of girls, bottles upon bottles of jack daniels and a pair of tights discarded on the floor in my room and some other stuff too. none of which i can remember at the moment simonfk1: i think the phone was up my ass simonfk1: or perhaps yours RentaSloth: so that's where it was simonfk1: amy told me she was lying around with you and elly and austin and was trying to get you all to get it on RentaSloth: we did simonfk1: you did? simonfk1: heehee RentaSloth: i rolled around with them all RentaSloth: when they were sleeping simonfk1: ooh the sauciness of it all RentaSloth: i crawled into bed with them and started touching them RentaSloth: and austin started mumbling simonfk1: haha RentaSloth: "it's the right tire....that's where the rat ate the pie..." RentaSloth: i dunno what that means simonfk1: haha RentaSloth: now they won't talk to me RentaSloth: i must've touched something wrong simonfk1: haha simonfk1: the wrong spot. RentaSloth: and austin kept saying things like RentaSloth: "i reckon i'll go out and get me some beer" RentaSloth: "i don't reckon i like what you're doing down there" RentaSloth: "i reckon" simonfk1: so you have returned to la to the magical life of avid editing. i hear it's hot as fuck. simonfk1: dude simonfk1: i'm bored today RentaSloth: it's hot i think RentaSloth: i haven't been out simonfk1: ah RentaSloth: i'm boared too simonfk1: board RentaSloth: boar simonfk1: hella board, even simonfk1: bort RentaSloth: yup RentaSloth: i wanna win a lot of money, simon, help do it RentaSloth: how do i get a lot of money RentaSloth: so i won't have to work simonfk1: so my new problem is that i have been mysteriously entered in a battle of the bands. and we have a month to write two songs. and if we win, we get all the door money for the show simonfk1: hmm. simonfk1: no working, but lots of money? hmm RentaSloth: oooooohhh RentaSloth: hey simonfk1: marraige RentaSloth: battle of the bands simonfk1: yeah RentaSloth: can i help write the song simonfk1: with a pirate theme. could you die RentaSloth: i have great lyrics simonfk1: yeah, please do RentaSloth: just give me a day RentaSloth: i'll have it for you simonfk1: ok, well, i hvae a month so please go go go. and think pirates! arg! RentaSloth: arg simonfk1: arrr! it's drivin me nuts! simonfk1: heeheehee RentaSloth: you are boared simonfk1: i told you RentaSloth: i'm gonna go take a shower RentaSloth: smooches simonfk1: smooches