From: Xenia at fAMOUS Subject: lonely? libertine lusts linger longinly licking lively he levitates her. From: Xenia at fAMOUS Subject: brought to you by the letter "l" languidly longing long lust liason later little lilly loves lasting leisure From: "Gregorians, Ani" Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "l" lamenting lisa listlessly listened, lightly longing leroy's legs later... lounging lasciviously Lenore loved licking lemon lipgloss From: Xenia at fAMOUS [] Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "h" horny harlette harbors hot honey heaven heated hallucinations highten her heavy heart From: "Gregorians, Ani" Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "h" hooligan homeys harbor hatred having hardly heard haphazard hilarity however Horace has hindered his heartfelt humor From: sarah Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "b" biting butts brought bitter battles between bob big-balls and betty bitchass.. BUT... brunhilda's buttered babies bask behind bare buttresses. From: Xenia at fAMOUS Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "b" (fwd)....better believe it baby bountiful breasts beg binding by bare body of beautiful bitch below, her basket boils From: "Gregorians, Ani" Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "n" neither Nancy nor Nina noticed Normans nuts neatly nestled near Nick, no, negligent nincompoops need not note nodular nonsense next... Nick nipped Normans node From: "Gregorians, Ani" Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "b" (fwd)....better believe it baby besides beckoning barbarically big bummed Barbara bellowed boisterous bleats, bellicose bob beat bragging barb brutally. bad bob, better batter barb before busty brunhilda begins behaving badly bling bling From: Xenia at fAMOUS Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "m" skipped one merciful master makes milkmaid mouth magestically making monotonous mail merry. From: "Gregorians, Ani" Subject: RE: brought to you by the letter "m" skipped one meaty morsels might muzzle Molly,maybe. "Molly must masticate more" marge muttered. "masturbate?" mumbled Monique. "My mum mostly masturbated midday" marked molly. From: sarah Subject: brought to you by the letter s. seriously slighted sarah seeks sugar, solace, shoulders series of small spankings send special signals simply stashing secrets she's scarcely seeing.