will body hair ever become vogue? no fuck! in the future, everyone is slim and hairless and wears tight unitards im doomed no, you're ok in the future there will also be high precision lasers better living through technology im half french canadian. do you understand the body hair factor involved? i think i can understand the logistics of my hair is unbelievable i also understand the power of laser hair removal lasers LASERS lasers that is all i have to say is it expensive? i'm considering having my facial hair lasered off i'm sick of shaving and i get ingrown hairs which are gross so fuck that LASERS LAZERS when i think lasers though, i think the movie real genius. and the popcorn scene im laughing out loud right now. B1 - Space Invaders Are Smoking Grass.mp3 <- WICKED SONG. seriously though, there are people who are into everything lasers there are a ton of places here in the castro which do it i should look into this does it hurt? im a pussy just head to the part of toronto where they gay men hang out yeah, look for into online i read about it a long time ago, but don't remember many details i bet it stings like a motherfucker tee hee im just being argumentative. im bored man. pain is a good thing endorphins and all that tattoos feel great after a while