simonfk1: i've got the suit in my car simonfk1: a theme. hmm. Jessdavies: Oh my god. I have a beautiful white grecian dress. The theme could be "benefit for rockers with substance abuse problems." Yoiu know, what's it called? simonfk1: that'd good. simonfk1: but who are we? simonfk1: did we fall off the wagon? simonfk1: are we there to be presenters and we are secretly debaucherous creeps? Jessdavies: It could be all about rich people in the garden gettting fucked up for a "good cause." And it would fit with the elegant white thing. I love "benefit" as a look. An adjective. Of course we fell of the wagon!!! I mean, I could be Stevie Nicks. Jessdavies: Oh my god! I could wear a dove! simonfk1: yes yes yes! and yes simonfk1: i love this