oh look i'm mod /topic oakland, pshh, whatEVER oh yeah, i was outta there in 20 minutes. [=Topic=] simon changed the topic to "oakland, pshh, whatEVER" /pass goat [=Pass=] simon has passed moderation to goat ha! heh i took a picture. really? where is it? hey! hi arwa [=Topic=] goat changed the topic to "clean mean goat" oooh! i'm scared! watch out or i'll horn you what's all this horny talk? err um horn me? is that supposed to be something bad and scary? that came out wrong yeah, she's goig to horn you. yeah ok sign me up then. i'll just antagonize you more ram you oh prepare to be horned! no BEND OVER! never mind /m goat hahahahahaha oh god now goat's going to start ramming people i think i saw one of those videos once they sell them in the netherlands you know