<_p> so the question is this: <_p> halle barry's boobs: <_p> worth watching swordfish for, or no? swordfish? no see her boobs in a better film boobs are a damn dime a dozen <_p> heh i don't think she's taken her cloths off in any other movie. but they ain't special. <_p> hmm there are other boobs i think i'd brave bad film for but i can't think off the top of my head <_p> hmm ever seen hackers? <_p> i can yes, i have <_p> but none of them are actresses swordfish is hackers w/ travolta and without all the good outfits and angelina jolie <_p> stupid fatty scientologists what good is that <_p> yeah <_p> i've braved bad film for angelina jolie's boobs oh yes me as well and i'd do it again! <_p> heh <_p> jiggle jiggle don't distract me with boobies i'm at work!