i want a station wagon which doesn't really look like a station wagon so much. maybe if i got one i could disguise it with tape or stickers you cou;d get a hatchback. like the subaru wrx ew that thing is butt fucking ugly unfortunately unfortunately, it's also amazingly fast and handles really well from what i've read not as bad as the forrester. but yeah, subarus are not purdy cars but i can't get over the butt fucking ugly part. oh, the wrx is one of the most hideous beasts ever to plague the american highway system. id's rather be seen in a pinto. i think it beats the pants off the forrester with its ugly stick. i was really disappointed what do you think of Suburban Assult Vehicles? i saw one in the parking lot every day for 6 months or so at my old job every day i'd look at it and hope that one day i'd get over its hideous yellow maw and i never did it just got uglier with time i hate SUVs oh well yello make any car ugly. i'm against yellow as a car color. i've seen other colors of the same car and they're also unbearably ugly but yeah, yellow was adding insult to injury. it's a damn shame too. the automotive press raves over all the cars other merits. but yeah, small, practical and fun to drive would be nice.