/m _p hey nic /m _p may i ask a dorky question? <*_p*> sure, dorky /m _p hi. go look at http://www.pianoandkeyboard.com/ /m _p how do i get it to not show anything at all. and not the empty directory? <*_p*> damn <*_p*> i was hoping this was a 'do i look cute in this bikini?' type <*_p*> of question. /m _p well, do i? /m _p http://www.saturn5.com/~jem/stripper.jpg <*_p*> heh <*_p*> create an index.html with just <*_p*> that should make just about everything happy <*_p*> haha /m _p hi <*_p*> you look hot in the bikini /m _p thanks /m _p much better than ms debby harry in that cowboy outfit /m _p i wish i had more bikini photos, but alas, i do not <*_p*> you need to start scanning your pictures in higher res. <*_p*> 640x480 is dead baby /m _p oh /m _p i'll work on it <*_p*> yeah, death to tassles /m _p heehee <*_p*> well, unless they're the pastie kind /m _p well, doesn't that go without saying? /m _p how better to scan myself then, mr. smarty? <*_p*> i mention pasties whenever possible. /m _p PASTIES /m _p hi <*_p*> make your index.html and we shall test it <*_p*> i keep trying to work on these proposals i'm writing, but i <*_p*> keep getting distracted by BOOBS <*_p*> nate and nick were over here a minute ago watching the new <*_p*> star trek show <*_p*> and there was some vulcan hottie rubbing her boobs and they <*_p*> were cheering <*_p*> and you think _you're_ a dork. /m _p oh my /m _p they win /m _p hands down /m _p what are you proposing in those proposals? <*_p*> oh yes they do <*_p*> drinking miller and watching star trek /m _p i'm drinking BUD in a CAN and listening to ZZTOP <*_p*> welcome to milwaukee /m _p so i'm not so much cooler <*_p*> i'm proposing that the collective united kingdom come over and <*_p*> give me a fucking rimjob /m _p ok /m _p may i videotape this? <*_p*> did you hear, no more pabst? /m _p WHAT WHAT WHAT? /m _p <*_p*> they're stopping brewing pabst <*_p*> we're celebrating this friday <*_p*> well, not celebrating <*_p*> but mourning the death <*_p*> at a dive bar with pabst on tap <*_p*> http://biz.yahoo.com/apf/010919/last_beer_1.html /m _p if i were only in new york. i bet the guys at hogs and heifers are CRYING in their PABSTS <*_p*> pabst gives me a headache <*_p*> but that's not going to stop me this weekend /m _p heh /m _p you can't let something so trivial as a headache get in the way of the pabst wake /m _p so like <*_p*> indeed.