/m _p BOOBIES <*_p*> boobies++ <*_p*> i have a thing for 70s boobs /m _p oh yeah /m _p they are great <*_p*> yep <*_p*> big or small, they rule /m _p in some of the 70s porn i have, the best boobs ever /m _p what happened to boobs? they have changed /m _p but i can find highlights in every decade of tits <*_p*> yeah <*_p*> i dunno what happened to boobs <*_p*> maybe the bras have changed? <*_p*> that still seems odd though <*_p*> maybe it's dietary! <*_p*> i do miss them. <*_p*> well <*_p*> i can't really miss them. <*_p*> but you know what i mean. /m _p yeah, i do /m _p but see above regarding all decades of tits <*_p*> the 80s had a nice firm perky thing going on. /m _p yeah yeah! /m _p heh <*_p*> the 60s i'm not really familiar with. /m _p see playboys from the 60s <*_p*> bigger, wider? /m _p softer nipples on the bigger ones i think <*_p*> sorry, i don't have dad's collection or anything. /m _p i bought them from someone in the 2nd ave subway station <*_p*> heh